If you’ve attended any weddings as a guest, have you happened to see an evening party that doesn’t take off, a desolately empty runway an evening party with very high expectations left unexpected?

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A few months ago while hanging out on Tik Tok I came across an amateur trumpeter, I can’t use any other term, who during the bride’s entrance sang Wagner’s wedding march in his own way to the general embarrassment of the guests, the priest and the bride and groom themselves.
I could not believe it and wondered by what criteria did the bride and groom entrust such an important thing as musical accompaniment in church to such an incompetent person? Perhaps he was a relative? Perhaps it was imposed by someone?
Of similar situations then on the web there are hundreds of them and the question that arises is always “Why”
If you are reading this article, you have probably recently started planning your wedding, or you have chosen almost everything but still have to untie the knot related to entertainment and the music aspect.
I am sure you want to hire someone who knows how to make your day special with a dynamic but never intrusive, structured but at the same time fun and friendly service that will entertain all your guests while respecting your directions and tastes.
If I guessed right then you are looking for a professional, a person who knows well the dynamics and timing of such a complex event as a wedding right?
Throughout the years, I have had the opportunity to meet hundreds of bridal couples who have attended one or more weddings as guests, and during the first consultations I am always amazed when in front of the planning of the different moments of the day, they tell me about their experiences such as:
– DJs who during the cocktail hour go to the buffet and let go of the usual “wedding playlist” that is played at every wedding
– DJs who miss the highlights of the bride and groom, the arrival at the venue, the entrance to the hall, the cake cutting
– Guests arriving at the location while the DJ is still setting up because he miscalculated the set-up time
– DJs who showed up to the wedding in short shorts and t-shirts
– DJs who do not know the venue and therefore do not arrive equipped on the wedding day and are forced to borrow equipment from the venue or caterer
– DJs who took advantage of the evening’s goliardic atmosphere and got drunk
– DJs who secluded themselves with guests during the wedding
– DJs who play the same songs in the same order wedding after wedding so much they think: “people listen and dance to the same music,” so what’s the harm in doing the exact same program at every wedding?”

If in front of these facts you were not also bashful, but especially if you

  • Do you also think that people listen and dance to the usual music
  • You want to save as much money as possible with a low-cost wedding
  • Share the thoughts of these “professionals” in using a playlist the same as many other weddings
  • You don’t care if your guests are bored or entertained at your wedding and you don’t like music very much so you don’t care to plan every musical and entertainment moment in detail

then you don’t need a musician, DJ or entertainer.

“What do you mean we don’t need it?”

You have understood correctly it would be useless to pay a person when you can do things yourself.

If you have a friend or nephew who likes to “DJ,” all you need to do is rent a speaker connect a PC or smartphone to it and through platforms such as YouTube/Spotify/etc. Play your favorite songs or artists.
Then if you don’t have anyone among your guests who enjoys DJing, I can give you incredible news…you can make a DJ-less evening party by structuring a setlist of about three hours and using several free programs to install on your PC that allow you to play a playlist without interruption by automatically mixing the different songs with absolute precision.

The entertainment part will be taken care of by your friends or groomsmen, and it matters little if the games are not fast, well-organized, and in the public domain; All in all, they might as well not be there; in fact, maybe on the one hand it would be even better.

See why invest hundreds when you can easily do it yourself!

If this is your thinking, if this is the importance you place on music and entertainment at your wedding then investing in a professional is not the right choice for you.
During consultations or acquaintance videocalls with the bride and groom, the client arrives at the meeting with us aware that he or she is free to confirm or not to confirm the service offered, but is unaware that, unlike many competitors, we also evaluate at the end of the meeting whether or not we can be the right solution for the couple.
We need to be sure that the bride and groom share our point of view, are aware of the importance of our service within a wedding, and give music and entertainment the same value that has turned our work into a passion.

However, we are aware that each couple uses different weights and measures for the same service precisely because that particular service for some brides and grooms is crucial, while for others it is marginal.

So if you feel that the entertainment and music aspect of your wedding are not core services let me at least make you think about what might
happen if you do not entrust music and entertainment to professionals but to “improvisers”?

  • It may happen that the DJ or musician proposes entertainment or music that does not meet the tastes of all your guests.Every wedding is different because the people attending are different, have different desire for entertainment and different musical tastes. This is why copy-paste entertainment or a playlist that worked at one wedding can be a crazy flop at yours.
  • It can happen to find the chairs full and the dance floor empty because the DJ failed to cater to the guests’ tastes, or worse, scared them away shortly after dessert was cut. To avoid such situations the only way is to know how to interact with the audience, to create a fun and dynamic atmosphere, to make them participate throughout the day but unfortunately this skill is not learned; It is refined over the years.
  • It can happen to see guests lounging on couches in the garden tremendously bored.
  • It can happen that we fail to create an engaging atmosphere where all guests spontaneously and unforcedly participate in the party.
  • It may happen that at the delivery of the favors or after the cake cutting the classic domino effect or general stampede is triggered resulting in not even seeing the party start and what was supposed to be in your dreams the first dance opening will turn into the last dance with the few relatives and friends around you.

These are not catchphrases; they are all things that have already happened and come to us through the accounts of couples who, like you, have experienced them as firsthand guests.

It is crucial for us to invest in a DJ who specializes in the wedding industry and can follow your choices and directions but at the same time, who can recognize live feedback coming from the dance floor and correct the music set on the fly.
The first few songs of the evening party after your opening dance are critical to get the party going because all the guests have approached the dance floor to film the bride and groom’s dance with cameras, cell phones, and tablets, so there is no better time to get them rocking on the dance floor.
If, however, the DJ patches right in those first few minutes you will witness the rout of Caporetto, where friends and relatives will return crafts to their chairs or approach the open bar just waiting for the first useful excuse to leave you.

That’s why you must entrust the entertainment and musical aspect of your day to the skilled hands of a professional; You can, however, decide to take a chance and rely on providence crossing everything that can be crossed for everything to go as you have always imagined but remember what we always say, “A wedding is a live movie, you can’t make a mistake because you can’t buy back a memory!”

So if you want to save money on music and the reception, go ahead.
It’s your wedding.
It’s your day.
It is your investment
It is the memory you will carry and your guests will carry forever

Entrusting music and entertainment to a team of professionals is the perfect way to make all your guests feel comfortable at all times and will give you, the bride and groom, a way to enjoy the day with peace of mind, getting excited and having fun like never before.

That said.

Better to entrust the service “To my cousin” or a professional DJ?
If you want curated, fun and elegant entertainment, a sophisticated soundtrack, structured on your musical tastes, that can enhance the different moments of the day, but most importantly can excite your guests and make them have a wonderful day, now you know how to do it.
Remember that YOU DO NOT NEED ANY DJ, but a PROFESSIONAL SPECIALIZED IN WEDDINGS who will put on music exclusively for you and your guests-you will get a day that will have a whole other flavor.

Now with this knowledge you can devote yourself to finding the entertainment and music service that suits you best, or you can visit our website www.weddingsymphony.it and go to the contact page to book a specialized consultation with our Paul and figure out which services to lean toward to leave your guests with a pleasant, indeed, indelible memory of your wedding.
Remember, we wrote it to you a few lines above:

“Marriage is a live movie. You can’t go wrong because you can’t buy a memory.”

We always say this to all our wedding couples.
A few simple tips combined with a dash of common sense in choosing entertainment and musical accompaniment not just based on price will make your wedding a memorable event.

I am Paolo Furlan the first Wedding Music Planner in Veneto and founder of the Wedding Symphony music agency specializing in music for civil or religious ceremonies and music and entertainment for wedding receptions.

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Don’t let them pass you by.
Enjoy your reading and have a good life!

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