Comic Jugglers

Comic Jugglers

Roberto and Fabio, comic jugglers, combine the art of juggling with comedy in a show suitable for all ages.

Comic Jugglers

Roberto and Fabio, comic jugglers, combine the art of juggling with comedy in a show suitable for all ages.

Wedding juggling service is a unique and spectacular entertainment art for your big day. Professional jugglers can create a customized show to meet your needs, whether it is a solo performance or a group of jugglers performing together. Jugglers can use various objects, such as balls, clubs, devils, hoops and more, to create a breathtaking show. They can also engage the audience in some juggling activities to make the experience even more engaging.
Their repertoire ranges in the use of different juggling techniques and skills, always mixed with simple, clownish comedy suitable for audiences of all ages. There is no doubt that jugglers will be an unforgettable addition to your wedding and leave everyone speechless.

Why choose us for your wedding


We best design the musical experience so that it can express the way you are


We also plan the event from a logistical point of view by verifying the sound system requirements needed


We manage timing best by synchronizing, perfectly, the timing of musical entertainment with the timing of cooking


We respond to any questions, doubts, uncertainties and issues you may have

Make your dream wedding a reality now

Trust the professionals with more than 20 years of experience and thousands of weddings performed