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Religious Ceremony Music
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Wedding music Vicenza
Venice wedding music
Wedding music Verona
The wedding music planner
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Religious Ceremony Music
Civil Ceremony Music
Music Reception
Wedding DJ
Entertainer musician
Live Duo
Live trio
Live quartet
Wedding band
Wedding Animation
Wedding music Vicenza
Venice wedding music
Wedding music Verona
The wedding music planner
They say about us
Religious ceremony quiz
How do you envision the musical accompaniment of your ceremony?
Exclusively instrumental, no sung
Instrumental and sung
What kind of training were you thinking of?
1 single person
2 people
3 or more people
How much importance do you place on the musical accompaniment of the ceremony?
Little, we want something fast and music exclusively where it is needed
Enough, we want something simple but able to excite
Molta, we want an elegant and refined ceremony where music should enhance the most important moments from the bride's entrance, to the exchange of rings
Thinking about your ceremony, what genre of music are you most inclined toward?
Classical (Mozart, Schubert, Vivaldi, Beethoven etc.)
Modern/Domenical (Einaudi, Allevi, Morricone, Red Gen, Green Gen, Ortolani etc.)
A mix structured according to the different moments of the ceremony
Which of these types of instruments do you like best?
String Instruments (Violin, Viola, Cello) (only for ensembles of a minimum of 2 people)
Wind Instruments (Flute Traverso, Oboe, Clarinet) (only for ensembles of a minimum of 2 people)
No preference
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