If you’ve attended any weddings as a guest, have you happened to see an evening party that doesn’t take off, a desolately empty runway an evening party with very high expectations left unexpected?

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You are getting married and need to choose music for your wedding. What are you doing?
Type into Google wedding music… and the first results that pop up are all portals dedicated to the wedding industry.

Let us take the best known and consequently also the first proposal that the engines report; Within it for the Veneto alone there are over 4700 providers of which “ONLY” about 800 are musicians or DJs.
How to navigate through such a wide and varied jungle of proposals?

It starts by analyzing photos and videos uploaded to the portal, but you will agree that it is difficult to understand in detail the difference between one proposal and another.
We then go on to analyze the different captions associated with the service and you will notice that almost all of them boast similar terminologies: “All-round Music, Live Music, DJ, Entertainment, Karaoke, Quality, Professionalism.”

They all sound very similar to each other, yet you’ve probably been to a wedding and the quality of the music service is not always the same: sometimes the band or DJ sucked, drowning out the evening, while at others it was incredibly entertaining.
So aware that “the clothes don’t make the man” how to navigate and make an informed choice?

Music today is not enough

Music since ancient times has been an indispensable aspect of any party, event or reception.
When I started playing, it was fashionable to contact a ballroom orchestra (very different from the ones we know today) to cheer up weddings, or the classic piano bar singer (almost certainly from the country) was used. He as a musician-entertainer armed with a microphone, bases and keyboard or guitar had the task of cheering up the banquet.
In fact, until a few decades ago, all the attention of the bride and groom was focused on the luncheon, focusing on a hearty, traditional menu that took up most of the time.

Today, such a proposal is no longer in step with the times because times have changed, people have changed, and most importantly, the expectations that brides and grooms and guests place on a wedding have changed considerably.

American-style ceremonies, deviation from traditions, the enhancement of period villas, and the emergence of new styles and trends are all elements that have helped transform the concept of marriage from a simple “banquet” to an “EVENT.”
We live in a fast-paced world where fashions, public tastes and commercial offerings change at an incredible speed.

Did it ever occur to you that, for your wedding, all you need is to have someone to put on music. With all the tutorials on the Web and the technology that has made great strides then, in recent years, many kids have taught themselves to mix so well that they can do it at your wedding, too.

What you haven’t thought about, however, are the dangers you can run into by underestimating the music aspect. Today it is no longer enough to “put on music.”
Every wedding is a structured EVENT full of different moments that require special musical sets that know how to recreate the right atmosphere, but above all, the musician/DJ no longer has only the task of “putting on music,” he/she must know how to make the right entertainment, recreate the right atmosphere, dictate or manage the timing of the day, coordinate with the other services present, assist and help friends in planning and implementing games and jokes… and more.

Music …. at the wedding

It is up to the music or rather the musician/DJ to create a file-rouge that accompanies the bride and groom and guests during all phases of the day in an “escalation” that starts from the elegant and exciting ceremony to the wild and rowdy evening party!

The musical atmosphere varies as the day evolves taking care to never be out of place or inappropriate going from elegant, relaxing and understated to engaging, upbeat and colorful not to mention one or more WOW effects with exciting and romantic moments!

I am aware of how complicated it is to navigate one’s way through such a rich and articulated jungle of proposals that range in countless directions, often without being able to clearly understand in what way the different solutions differ except by looking solely at the price.

The only solution seems to be:

  • Rely on word of mouth (often a guarantee, especially if it comes from trusted people but remember, what’s right for others may not be right for you)
  • Spending hours and hours at the computer wandering through industry portals and Google/Youtube
  • Visiting trade shows where from the entrance to the exit you will be mobbed by different exhibitors with the sole purpose of snatching you an appointment increasing your stress and confusion
  • Choosing in the emotional wake, without considering in detail the pros and cons of the service.

It so happens that you entrust a key aspect such as the music for your wedding to the friend who does not know the dynamics and timing of such a complex EVENT as a wedding.

Or to the show-man entertainer who centralizes the attention on himself forgetting that it is YOUR party, or going for a live line-up that only offers a certain repertoire and is poorly INCLINED in meeting the demands of the audience or worse does not know how to interact and engage them.

Come out of the jungle!

If you want to avoid getting lost in this jungle of proposals or making a choice that you may regret for a lifetime, what you need to do is to become aware of a few things that are crucial for you.
To navigate your way through the various solutions and identify the one best suited for your wedding is necessary:

  • Invest time with musicians to let them understand who you are, what your tastes and expectations are
  • Personalize every moment of the wedding with different musical solutions that reflect your personalities and the type of event you envisioned
  • Analyze the location to understand how to manage volumes, facilities, and permits and avoid unpleasant limitations or constraints on the party

Now that you understand how to go about selecting the best professionals for your event, you can start making your list and request appointments and meetings from the various vendors to go over the various steps.

If it seems complicated or too laborious and time-consuming, if you don’t have the time to handle this research on your own, turn to the WEDDING MUSIC PLANNER!

Learn about the Wedding Music Planner

Paul is the first consultant in Veneto specializing in wedding music planning.

Unlike the classic Entertainment Agencies, musicians and entertainers who aim to sell their service, focusing entirely on the performance, Paul works in the opposite way, putting the couple at the center, listening to their desires and identifying, among the more than 60 artists who make up the two agencies WS and WMF, the best solution for the wedding.

The Wedding Music Planner helps brides and grooms build a personalized and complete experience, from ceremony to reception, by streamlining the search in a focused way, through guidance that avoids wasted time and confusion, ensuring ample choice and clarity. For the bride and groom, this means approaching all music choices with ease and serenity during the creation of the wedding plan.

That said.

Now that you have the knowledge of how to get out of the jungle of proposals you find in the different portals dedicated to the wedding industry, visit our website www.weddingsymphony.it and go to the contact page to book a consultation with our Paul and figure out how to make your big dream come true.

Remember that

“Marriage is a live movie. You can’t go wrong because you can’t buy a memory.”

We always say this to all our wedding couples.
A few simple tips combined with a dash of common sense in choosing a musician not just based on price will make your wedding a memorable event.

I am Paolo Furlan the first Wedding Music Planner in Veneto and founder of the Wedding Symphony music agency specializing in music for civil or religious ceremonies and music and entertainment for wedding receptions.

Follow our social channels to stay up to date with the latest news and get helpful tips on how to best plan your wedding!
More info awaits you on our blog.
Don’t let them pass you by.
Enjoy your reading and have a good life!

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