Ceremonial music: the MUSICAL MOMENTS.

If you’ve attended any weddings as a guest, have you happened to see an evening party that doesn’t take off, a desolately empty runway an evening party with very high expectations left unexpected?

Table of Contents

How many moments in the ceremony are there in which music is provided?

The moments of the music-type ceremony may vary depending on how the pastor and the bride and groom want to personalize it. Below are the moments when music is scheduled.

Moments of the initial ceremony

Waiting – This is the moment before the entrance of the bride and groom. Musicians entertain guests with a variety of songs until the groom(s) arrive at the door.

Groom and Bride Entrance – This moment can be customized by the bride and groom according to their own needs and tastes. They can enter separately with the same or different song. Or an American-style entrance can be made. The groom enters with all the guests before the bride arrives in the churchyard. There he waits for the latter by remaining standing and near his seat facing the front door. Or the bride and groom could choose to enter together.

Memory of Baptism – This moment at the discretion of the celebrant can be very quick or take a little longer. In this case during the moving of the bride and groom, background music is played to fill the situation.

Moment of the intermediate ceremony

Hallelujah – Solemn moment in which the Lord is praised before the Gospel reading. It is one of the 2 liturgical moments when singing is mandatory.

Rite – At the discretion of the bride and groom, there may be background music throughout the rite, from the vows to the exchange of rings. At this point, the bride and groom and guests sit down and imbued with immense joy savor this musical moment.

Holy – Along with hallelujah are the only 2 moments when the liturgy calls for the song to be sung.

Approaching the conclusion

Peace – Very brief moment in which a sign of peace is exchanged. Usually no specific piece of music is provided. A fill song is played so that it can be interrupted at any time. For everyone, the peace sign is a very quick moment but not for newlyweds.

Offertory – This is the preparation for the Eucharist; music accompanies the priest as he consecrates the bread and wine.

Communion – 2 pieces of music are usually provided at this time. They should accompany the first part of the Eucharist and the more meditative second part.

Moment of the closing ceremony

Signatures: “Mass is over go in peace.” With these words usually the priest sanctions the end of the liturgy. The bride and groom with witnesses go up to the altar. Then they go to the sacristy for the signing of the registers. Friends and relatives move outside waiting to greet the new family with the classic throwing of rice/petals/balloons etc.. At this time 2-3 songs are planned to accompany the guests’ exit.

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