Bride entrance. Here’s what to watch out for!

If you’ve attended any weddings as a guest, have you happened to see an evening party that doesn’t take off, a desolately empty runway an evening party with very high expectations left unexpected?

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There is no bride in the world who has not fantasized at least once in her life thinking about her entrance for the religious ceremony or civil ceremony! It is definitely one of the most exciting and tension-filled moments. The arrival of the bride in her white splendor attracts all, but really all gazes, even those of passers-by who stop in curiosity to admire her. It will be a moment that will be etched in the memories of all your guests, over time, and the memory of the tension and fear mixed with joy felt just before walking among the guests to join your loved one will forever accompany every bride. Scese from the car the excitement reaches deep into the soul, even to the quietest bride the heart begins to beat wildly; You show up at the front door and it is there that the excitement touches its highest peak…waiting for you all the loved ones and over there your great love who looks at you bewitched as if it were the first time and indeed it will be so. Try to take care of every aspect of your wedding but in doing so do not overlook or underestimate this very moment: your arrival and entrance.
Several times with our Team we have witnessed chaotic entrances, hurried arrivals, or heard from future brides who remember that moment (seen at one of their relatives’ or friends’ weddings) as a confusing one. It happens when there is nothing organized, when the bride enters without even knowing if all the guests have already arrived; Try to avoid especially those classic arrivals where the bride finds an audience of onlookers or guests waiting for her, who instead of waiting for her sitting in a composed manner prefer to take the first photos as soon as she gets out of the car.
This is an unpleasant circumstance to witness, so we encourage you to instruct someone, often the witnesses, to dictate the timing, arrange the outlines, and make sure that all guests take their places within the ceremony venue before you arrive.

The bride’s exit from the house

Among the moments of the wedding day that many brides remember with great emotion, the exit from the parental home to go to the ceremony holds special mention; A few steps and that house that you have always felt to be yours will become a familiar environment, where you will always be welcomed but will no longer be able to perceive it as “your home.” Your home from then on will be a different one; It will be a place to build a new life together with the great love of your life; It will be a place to give birth and raise your children. Leaving the parental home is a moment that must be experienced with great awareness and intensity because it will change your life forever. Tradition then would have the bride, once ready to go to the ceremony site, cut a ribbon stretched across the exit of her father’s house with a pair of scissors, symbolizing that she will never return. Of course, there are brides who have been cohabiting perhaps for years with their partners and will return home only for the wedding day; Respecting this tradition would probably be inappropriate, but the choice in fact lies with the bride. In fact, at some point the photographer after attending the groom’s arrival at the ceremony site will communicate with the bride’s home, notifying them to head to the ceremony site, whether it is a Church, a town hall or a location. The bride will get into the car with her dad, but she will have to give time for any guests who have gathered at her house to get to the ceremony site!


The entrance of the bride

Then when the bride’s car arrives at the place identified for the ceremony, it is Dad who gets out first, ready to open the door for his daughter and help her out and then take her arm and walk her toward her groom.
Mom will put the finishing touches on the veil and gown, the photographer will start taking the first shots, and when everything is ready–musicians, priest, photographer, and there is a certainty that the guests have been seated–your big moment can begin.
Pageboys lined up, opening the procession, wedding rings assigned , bridesmaids positioned, each in his place.
Mom from the first pew is ready to enjoy the entrance and wipe her tears! One last nod to the music, and the song chosen for your entry begins.
The first rule to remember is that the Bride always enters on Father’s left arm!
Remember, always remember that the bride enters the church to the left of her father!
The right arm is intended for married women, the left arm for single women. That is why the bride enters on her father’s left and at the end of the wedding ceremony will exit on her new husband’s right arm.

That said.

I hope you have found useful insights, ideas and advice on this article, and before we conclude we leave you by opening a small parenthesis on the
A little delay on the part of the bride is always expected.
If we assume that marriage should be governed by so-called bon ton, that is, by choices dictated by good manners, we believe that making people wait is not good manners, not even if it is the bride’s delay. It is not pleasant for the guests, and even less so for the registrar or priest performing the wedding ceremony.
How to prevent the delay from exceeding the acceptable limit?
When doing makeup and hairstyling trials, it is good to time the time taken. It is best if the person who does your makeup and hair is the same person; being professionals, they will be able to tell you precisely what time the photographer can arrive for the final stages of preparation.
Don’t be overwhelmed by friends and relatives who want to see you at all costs during the preparation and inevitably slow you down. It is then a good idea to time the home-church (or commune/location) route and coordinate with someone who is a half hour ahead of you.
In any case, it is appropriate, advisable, desirable, that the bride should not keep her guests (who have gone to great lengths to arrive on time) waiting longer than 10 minutes! All the more so in summer and “hot” weddings!

I am Paolo Furlan founder of the music agencies Wedding Symphony specializing in ceremony music and Wedding Music Fun specializing in wedding music and entertainment. Follow our social channels to stay up to date with the latest news and get helpful tips on how to best plan your wedding!
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Don’t let them pass you by.
Enjoy your reading and have a good life!

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