If you’ve attended any weddings as a guest, have you happened to see an evening party that doesn’t take off, a desolately empty runway an evening party with very high expectations left unexpected?

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You are planning your wedding and unless you have given carte blanche (and credit cards too) to a/an Wedding Planner you are realizing how much work, time, energy, stress, knowledge and expertise it takes to plan a wedding.
It takes weeks, months and sometimes more than a year of preparation for a single day for everything to be special unique and unrepeatable.
Of your guests, only those who have themselves planned a wedding in the past decade can understand the amount of work put into making your wedding so special.
Most of them, on the other hand, do not perceive this; they will judge your wedding solely and exclusively on the basis of what they experience that day.
Disappointing true!


Answer this question honestly:
How many times have you, reading a Quote, thought about all the work behind that figure listed on the sheet?
Have you also judged that cost solely and exclusively on the basis of your wedding day?

Do you have any idea of

Even for us, professionals in the field, it is sorry to know that our Quote is evaluated limited to the actual performance during the wedding day.

But then again, it is understandable your attitude because you do not have the awareness of all those aspects behind one of our performances; All that series of operations that for us are automatic, routine, but that the bride and groom cannot quantify and appreciate because they simply do not see them but, just because of which they can achieve an unforgettable wedding party.
I often like to liken our service to an iceberg where the tip represents what your guests will see and use to judge your wedding: The performance during the wedding, but everything underneath the guest cannot see but you, the bride and groom, at least in part, can.
You will be able to experience firsthand what lies behind the musician’s simple performance.

So let’s go and find out what lies beneath the surface of the water and what you need to pay attention to, because it is what underlies our service that will ensure the success of the party.

But what could be so important as to make seemingly similar services diametrically opposed?

Knowledge of the couple
– It may seem impossible, but there are vendors who arrive at the first appointment with the bride and groom without knowing their names, without knowing the wedding date, without knowing why they asked them for an appointment. This happens because for most of these “wedding professionals” you are just one more possible date on the agenda, they do not care to understand who you are, what you want to get out of their service, what your fears and expectations may be. As soon as they sit you down they start with their sales record, tell you how good they are at what they do, tell you about their instrumentation, their repertoire, and at the end they hand you a Quote equal to those left for dozens of other wedding couples because to them you are just any wedding couple. Instead it is not so, you are unique, your wedding is unique and the service should be tailored to you, your needs and expectations.

That is why for us, getting to know the couple begins even before the first meeting through the cognitive questionnaire that allows us to arrive at the appointment with the bride and groom already having clear ideas about what they are looking for and what they fear, but above all, it allows us to understand if with our services we can be the right choice for them.

Well yes, it is not only the bride and groom who choose the professional, we can also decide not to work with certain couples if we feel they are not in line with the way we work.

A time-saver for both of us and an intellectual honesty that is not commonly found around.

Service identification – As a Wedding Music Planner for me, the specialized consultation, i.e., the first appointment, combined with the questionnaire filled out in advance by the couple, are 2 fundamental building blocks for the construction of the music project.

During the consultation, the goal is not to sell, but to listen is to understand what the couple’s fears are, to understand the mood they want to give the wedding, to understand the needs and expectations they place on our service.

The music service like the bride’s dress must fit like a glove and must excite from the start; Only after this initial in-depth consultation with the bride and groom do I have the ability to steer the couple toward services in target to their expectations, certain to save them time, stress and effort in searching for services not in line with what they want from their wedding party.

Critical analysis
– No one ever talks to the bride and groom about it, because it is preferred to paint them only roses and flowers. A wedding is a very complex event; Several factors have to be taken into account that can undermine the musical project structured with the bride and groom: from constraints imposed by the venue and not pointed out to the bride and groom to the management of guests, from interfacing with the different professionals involved during the day to the management of downtime; in short, I can assure you that it is not as simple as it seems to manage a wedding and to have the ability sometimes to improvise by finding the best solution not to burden the bride and groom; These are skills that are not taught to you but are learned in the field with years and years of practice.

Entrusting a wedding to someone who doesn’t have this baggage can be like playing Russian roulette…sure 5 times out of 6 it may go well but would you be willing to gamble months of preparation, time, stress, effort and one of the biggest investments of your life?

Event planning
– There are “professionals” who after the first appointment with the bride and groom and the subsequent confirmation of the engagement resent the couple only about ten days before the wedding.

They define 4/5 songs for the important moments of the day and then push to receive carte blanche from the bride and groom on the choice of music for the different moments of the day. Instead, below I show you a detailed planning of one of our events with highlighted musical locations agreed upon with the bride and groom to cover all the different moments of the day.

Projects like these then are structured for both good and bad weather, but in both cases with the bride and groom everything was clearly and precisely defined.

It is easy to find services that fill their mouths with the word professional, but without this background, without detailed and meticulous planning of every moment of the day the unexpected is always just around the corner; Little bad the important thing is to be aware that you are playing Russian roulette.

Constant research and study
– For those who love this work, as we do, offering all our wedding couples a service of absolute perfection and quality is a must. Coming prepared, always looking for solutions that are innovative or in step with the times takes a lot of time, a lot of work, a lot of investment, a lot of research and a lot of study. Behind a 90-minute live appetizer are hours and hours of study, research, and arrangements, always managing to excite with researched and current solutions.

Behind a DJ Set service, there is basically a visceral passion for music, specialization in one or more genres of music, constant investment in top-quality audio and lighting equipment to ensure total independence of the service, and years of hard work behind it. The ability to fill the track does not come from the song the DJ put on but from the DJ’s ability to choose that particular song aware of the result he or she would get… The ability to SELECT the most suitable songs for different musical situations are the result of years and years of work learning sometimes even from one’s mistakes.

Assistance and availability – The weeks and months leading up to the wedding are a source of stress, thoughts, fears and excitement for the bride and groom because the stakes are so high and no couple wants to disfigure themselves in front of their guests and friends.

Everything must be perfect but 99 out of 100 couples have never been married before, some of them then have never attended any wedding so how to make a fairytale wedding?

This is my job, this is the job that the professional you have chosen has to do… To know how to advise, guide, listen and give you all the help you need to allow you to overcome all your fears, your doubts by going with you to research and structure the best solutions to guarantee you a fantastic wedding. We spend hours on the phone or in video counseling with wedding couples, we work diligently on each musical project not neglecting any detail in order to realize the dream of the bride and groom; Painstaking work hidden behind the scenes of a successful wedding.

That said.

Remember to follow these simple tips to be sure you have entrusted your wedding to a PROFESSIONAL…it will certainly cost a little more but the real question you need to ask yourself is not how much it may cost me to entrust my wedding to that service, but

I hope I have given you an awareness of how much work goes into a successful wedding party and if you would like to visit our website and go to the contact page to book a consultation with Paul and figure out how to make your big dream come true.

Remember that

“Marriage is a live movie. You can’t go wrong because you can’t buy a memory.”

We always say this to all our wedding couples.
A few simple tips combined with a dash of common sense in choosing a musician not just based on price will make your wedding a memorable event.

I am Paolo Furlan the first Wedding Music Planner in Veneto and founder of the Wedding Symphony music agency specializing in music for civil or religious ceremonies and music and entertainment for wedding receptions.

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Don’t let them pass you by.
Enjoy your reading and have a good life!

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